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Hydrostor is developing truly massive grid storage in watery caverns

23 Apr, 2021

  • We are gearing up to develop a 500-megawatt energy storage project, potentially operational by 2025.
  • This project aims to address the challenge of storing clean power for extended periods, utilizing a unique combination of water and underground caverns.
  • This project, supported by a government grant, could provide longer discharge times compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, making it a promising option for renewable energy integration and as a replacement for retiring fossil fuel plants.  
  • While market mechanisms for compensating such power plants are evolving, we see alignment with Ontario’s grid needs, particularly as it faces capacity shortages post the shutdown of the Pickering nuclear plant.
  • With ongoing developments in California as well, we are advancing our advanced compressed air technology, leveraging existing supply chains for efficiency and scalability. 

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