A-CAES is a critical piece of infrastructure that will enable the reliable replacement of fossil fuel generation by storing energy received from the grid using an emissions-free process, and thereby support progress towards carbon emissions reduction targets. In this transition to 100% renewable energy, Hydrostor cannot guarantee that solely renewable electricity will be available to power our compressed air process, but our power generation process does not use fossil fuels during day-to-day operations.
Our facilities will typically charge using surplus electricity directly from the grid, which in our primary markets, includes a large percentage of renewable resources. The extent of greenhouse gas emissions reduction associated with that displacement depends on the variable generation mix on the grid at the time in which electricity is displaced.
One of Hydrostor’s primary innovations is our ability to efficiently capture and reuse heat that is generated during air compression (system charging). This means that during air expansion (system discharging), we do not need to reheat the air through the combustion of natural gas – unlike other forms of CAES – and are thereby achieve emission free operation during standard day-to-day function.
Please refer to the following material for more information: